About Mike Anthony Productions
Since its inception in 2012, Mike Anthony Productions has been recognized as a cutting-edge music productions company serving as the official home of urban gospel recording artist “Mike Anthony.” Recently, Mike Anthony Productions expanded its scope to house and develop other artists and to become a conglomerate for a variety of innovative media activities.
Vision Statement: Create new synergy in addressing important world issues utilizing an array of music and media venues.
Mission Statement: Utilize music and media resources to explore and develop the full potential of an individual’s life and purpose.
Equity Statement: Seize opportunities to define and support truth, justice, and equity for all people in a sincere effort to create a stronger and more viable society through music and media exposure.
Album Now Available
The debut album Brand New Day from Mike Anthony can be purchased online at major digital outlets.
If working “nine to five” as an office professional is not demanding enough, Mike Anthony works just as hard after hours pursuing his “true” passion as a singer, songwriter and urban gospel music producer.
Why work so hard you ask? Because Mike Anthony is on a heart-felt mission; a spiritual journey to encourage “those who are downtrodden and want to give up on life.” Mike Anthony is very concerned about today’s young people who often turn to crime, drugs and hazardous living as a solution to their issues and problems.
So what’s the right solution? Mike Anthony truly believes that God is the answer to these problems and through Him there is still HOPE for our youth and others who are undergoing the trials of life. Mike Anthony’s goal is to proclaim this HOPE by writing and producing “Music with a Message” and ultimately spreading the message throughout the world.